Report a lost or stolen card
Card Type |
Telephone |
Comerica Debit Card or ATM Card+ If calling from outside the U.S. or Canada |
800.572.6620 734.632.5181 |
Comerica Credit Cards issued by Elan Financial Services | 866.486.1015 |
Home Equity Line of Credit Equity Access Card | 855.451.9201 |
Report lost or stolen checks
Stop by any Comerica banking center or call Comerica Customer Service using one of the following numbers:
Region | Telephone |
California and Arizona | 800.522.2265 |
Texas | 800.925.2160 |
Michigan, Florida and all other states | 800.266.3742 |
Home Equity Line of Credit Equity Access Checks: | 855.451.9201 |
Cyber criminals use the Internet to defraud consumers in a variety of clever ways. By simply performing an action such as opening an email attachment, accepting a fake friend request on a social networking site, or visiting a compromised,(e.g. infected) website you could be opening yourself and your on-line devices to cybercrime.
If you feel your on-line account or computer has been compromised, contact Comerica Bank®.
Customer Type | Telephone Number |
Comerica Web Banking® customers | 888.444.9876 |
Treasury Management customers | 800.852.3649 |
Comerica customers who suspect they are a victim of identity theft | 877.881.8955 |
All other online issues can be reported to Customer Service at 800.266.3742.
Comerica is committed to safeguarding the privacy of your personal information. Comerica will never request personal information (e.g., Social Security number, account numbers, user IDs or passwords) via e-mail.
If you receive an e-mail requesting this type of information that appears to come from Comerica, do the following:
If you suspect that you are a victim of identity theft, it is important to act as quickly as possible to minimize the damage to your finances and your credit standing.
1. Notify your creditor or financial institution of any identified unauthorized transactions on your account and ask to file a claim. If you are a Comerica customer, contact Comerica Bank at 877.881.8955, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET.
2. Create an identity theft report by filing a complaint with the FTC at or 877.IDTHEFT. Your complete complaint is called an FTC Affidavit. Take your FTC Affidavit to your local police or the police where the theft occurred, and file a police report. Don’t forget to get a copy for yourself.
3. Flag your credit reports by contacting one of the three nationwide credit reporting companies and ask for a fraud alert or freeze on your credit report. An initial fraud alert is good for one year. As soon as one of the bureaus issues a fraud alert, the other two are automatically notified. Additionally, you should order a copy of your credit report and review the information carefully. If you see mistakes or signs of fraud, contact the credit reporting company immediately.
Agency | Telephone Number | Website |
Equifax | 888.548.7878 | |
Experian | 888.397.3742 | |
Transunion | 800.916.8800 | |
4. Contact the Social Security Administration if your Social Security card has been lost or stolen and you would like to request a (replacement) new card. Contact the Social Security Administration at 800.772.1213 or visit
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