Make your bottom line more secure.

Stay in the know, and protect against fraud.

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s not a matter of if, but when, your company will be a target of fraud. Comerica’s fraud protection services are designed to help you monitor and control your accounts to prevent fraud before it happens.

Our solutions offer added security and control over check and ACH transactions, giving you power and peace of mind.

Positive Pay

Effectively guard against check fraud by sending us your check issue and void information file. When an incoming check does not match your files, your team has the opportunity to decide whether to pay or return the item. Our optional payee match feature adds a layer of security by matching against the payee name field. An additional service can notify you via email each day about suspect items for your review.

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Reverse Positive Pay

Protect your low volume and non-check writing accounts with Reverse Positive Pay. With this solution, you are not required to send your check issue information to Comerica and all items will be reported to you for a pay or return decision. Optional alerts can notify you via email each day when there are checks you need to review.

Comerica ACH Positive Pay™

Monitor and control your ACH activity with the ability to accept or reject ACH items before they post to your account. Create rules to automatically accept or reject transactions based on amount, sender, or other criteria. An additional service can notify you via email each day about open transaction decisions.

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*Comerica ranks first nationally among U.S. bank holding companies with greater than $70B in assets, based on commercial and industrial loans outstanding as a percentage of assets, as of September 30, 2024. Data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Not all products/services available in all markets.