Maximize your income without the work.

At Comerica, we know large businesses are focused on making money at every level, and idle funds are no exception. Our consultative process helps you identify the best strategies for maximizing your money with interest-bearing vehicles designed to help you grow with the least amount of effort.

Start banking with the Leading Bank for Business* now.

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Comerica Maximize®

Earn high interest by putting operating cash to work.

Comerica Maximize combines high-yield checking accounts with a powerful package of cash management solutions to protect against fraud and manage your payments, receivables, loans and more. 

Earnings Credit Allowance (ECA) allows you to offset up to all checking and cash management fees based on your balance.The more you deposit, the more you earn on excess balances with tiered interest rates.

Learn more for details about how Comerica Maximize can bring your business to the next level.

Money Market Accounts

Our money market accounts are tailor-made to help big businesses put their money to work without putting it away. With better, competitive rates and a low minimum balance, you can earn more without locking up your funds.

Business Money Market Accounts

Ideal for balance of $10,000 or higher
Ideal for balance of $10,000 or higher
Competitive, tiered interest rates
Competitive, tiered interest rates
Quickly access business funds when you need them
Quickly access business funds when you need them


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Premium Business Money Market Accounts

Ideal for balance of $50,000 or higher
Ideal for balance of $50,000 or higher
Higher interest rates and potentially higher yields
Higher interest rates and potentially higher yields
Quickly access business funds when you need them
Quickly access business funds when you need them


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Business CDs

Earn more interest on your savings with a fixed-rate or flexible-rate CD (certificate of deposit). A CD returns interest at a higher rate than a standard savings account, delivering funds you can put back into your business.

Fixed-rate CDs

Put your idle cash to work with guaranteed returns. Our wide variety of terms gives businesses the flexibility they need to be as fluid as they need. Talk with one of our business financial advisors to find the one that works for you.


Stable Interest Rates
Stable interest rates
Interest Paid
Interest paid or compounded monthly 4, 5
Automatic Renewal
Automatic renewal6


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Flexible-rate CDs

Our flexible-rate CDs were designed to help add earning power to your savings while offering you the ability to maintain some liquidity. The account term is one year with a safety option that allows you to withdraw up to 50% of funds in case of emergency.5, 6


Balance-driven interest rates
Balance-driven interest rates

The more you save, the higher your rate of return.

Interest paid
Interest paid or compounded monthly4

Interest may be automatically transferred to other Comerica accounts.

Additional deposits
Make additional deposits

Minimum deposits of $100 can be made at any time.


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Business Savings

Don’t leave extra cash in your checking account. Earn added interest on your idle funds with a Comerica Business Savings account.7 With a great rate and a low minimum balance, you can build your money while keeping your focus on growth.


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Economic Commentary

Account Documents

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*Comerica ranks first nationally among U.S. bank holding companies with greater than $70B in assets, based on commercial and industrial loans outstanding as a percentage of assets, as of September 30, 2024. Data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence.

1Interest is earned on the Comerica Maximize Checking average ledger balance for any monthly statement cycle where the Earnings Credit Allowance (ECA) offsets all fees and is calculated and paid through Account Analysis only on balances in excess of those required to offset all checking and cash management fees by the ECA.  Complete fees, ECA rates and interest rates are available through a Comerica Treasury Management Officer.

Minimum Opening Balance: $50.00.
1,2Monthly Account Maintenance Fee will be applied when the average Monthly Ledger Balance of $10,000 or more is not maintained. Refer to the Business Account Service Charges and Interest Information brochure and Business and Personal Deposit Account Contract for more information. Ledger Balance is the balance in your account that reflects posted transactions, which include deposits, credits, withdrawals and other debits.
3Withdrawal Fee: $5.00 per withdrawal (after 6 free per month). The number of certain types of withdrawals from Money Market Accounts in a statement cycle is limited; see the Comerica Business and Personal Deposit Contract and the Business Account Service Charges and Interest brochure for details.

Minimum Opening Balance: $50.00.
1,2Monthly Maintenance Fee will be applied when the average Monthly Ledger Balance of $50,000 or more is not maintained. Refer to the Business Account Summary Brochure and Business and Personal Deposit Account Contract for more information.
3Withdrawal Fee: $5.00 per withdrawal (after 6 free per month). The number of certain types of withdrawals from Money Market Accounts in a statement cycle is limited; see the Comerica Business and Personal Deposit Contract and the Business Account Service Charges and Interest brochure for details.

4 Minimum balance required to receive monthly interest payments by check is $5,000. No compounding will occur if interest is not paid into the CD.
5 A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees could reduce the earnings on the account.
6 At account maturity there is a grace period to make changes to the account. For account terms of less than 30 days, a 3-day grace period to close the account; for account terms of 30 days or more, a 10-day grace period to close the account.
Interest on CD terms of 7-29 days is paid at maturity. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.
†† A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.

Minimum Opening Deposit: $50.00.
Minimum Daily Balance to Obtain APY $1 & over.
1,2Activity Fees will apply to each credit or debit transaction exceeding 6 items during the month; a monthly Account Maintenance Fee will be applied to the account. Monthly Account Maintenance Fee will be waived if an average Monthly Ledger Balance of $500 or more is maintained. Ledger Balance is the balance in your account that reflects posted transactions, which include deposits, credits, withdrawals and other debits. Transactions include debits and credits. Other fees will apply. Refer to the Business Account Summary Brochure and Business and Personal Deposit Account Contract for more information.