Attending college or university is a defining life experience. Along the way to earning a degree, students may make new friends, develop new interests and learn more about themselves. Yet college is also an investment in the student. Having a thorough plan for how you will pay for your education is critical.
This is especially important given the high cost of attendance. With a plan in place, you can more effectively save and limit the amount of debt you take on. Our video "Different Ways to Pay For College" walks viewers through it all.
Several ways to pay for college exist
Tuition, fees, room and board, meals, living essentials, textbooks — these are just some of the regular costs of attending college. For most families, the responsibility to meet these expenses will be shared.
That's why your family will need to sit down together and have a discussion about expectations and options to pay for college like:
- Loans.
- Tax-advantaged savings accounts.
- Scholarships.
- Work.
Watch our video for more insight so you can make the best financial decisions for your family and future. Reach out to Comerica Bank today to talk about our loan offerings and other products and services.